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[30 Mar 2011 | Comments Off on His Legs | ]
His Legs

Put this up recently at kaffeeinkatmandu; a nifty tumblr site run by marcus speh.

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[17 Mar 2011 | Comments Off on Ipad Drawings | ]
Ipad Drawings

Recent project I did with Kara Janssan Kovacev at Used Furniture Review. This is the second project we’ve done together and we plan on doing more.

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[6 Mar 2011 | Comments Off on Paintings | ]

I’ve picked up a lot of odd paintings over the last few years.

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[6 Feb 2011 | Comments Off on 3 Men | ]
3 Men

Bought a photograph & two books yesterday at a thrift shop. The two volumes were from an anthology series called, “Stories by Foreign Authors”, probably dating from the ’20s (no date inside). I picked up the French & German editions. They’re chock full of interesting author names (Prosper Merimee) & exotic tiles (for the time) like, “The Egyptian Fire Eater”.

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[17 Jan 2011 | Comments Off on The Dumbwaiter | ]
The Dumbwaiter

My story, “The Dumbwaiter” is up on BLIP.

BLIP, formally the Mississippi Review Online (now Pistol Mice? not so sure) is a great magazine and there’s a lot of wonderful writers up there, like Bill Yarrow, W.F. Lantry, Andrew Roe, Erik Smetana, Alicia Gifford, among others.

It was guest edited by Courtney Eldridge, who wrote a kick ass essay for the issue.