Alluring Lures…
I love fishing lures (vintage and new alike) as much as I love corkscrews probably because they’re small, beautifully designed and utilitarian again, much like the corkscrew. A little dangerous piece of art that also gives you dinner. Not that I ever use them and yes, I live close to the beach but don’t fish, I just like looking at them.
Of course the vintage lures are stunning. Occasionally I go to Ebay and check out their vast selection and before long, I’ve been looking at lures for hours. They’re fairly pricey and every time I search, there’s always an old tackle box someone dug up full of old lures going for staggering prices. Here’s a few beautiful lures from: The boxes alone are just as beautiful.
Here’s some of the lures I bought on etsy recently, certainly not Heddons (they do have a few there) and not as old but still quite cool. These are going in a book I’m working on. Of course, I had to incorporate one with an old Rolling Rock bottle I found and I had to buy an old fishing pole. The red lure looks like a cartoon character and could possibly be a good premise for a new show; the life of fishing lures down at the pond. I can image the Ren and Stimpy guy drawing them! I also ending up taking photos of a 1960’s motor boat that was given to a friend recently. That sounds like a perfect day, drinking beer and fishing in your vintage motorboat.
Below are 3 great new rubber ones, I especially love the minnow.
I found this seller (aperkins) from etsy who makes the lures into bottle openers, the perfect combo! Again form meets function.
This other etsy guy (teddmcdonah) makes lures from recycled metal cans, etc. I love these two: