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[26 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on Modern Design Mishaps? | ]
Modern Design Mishaps?

I bought this ’50s Ladies Home Journal book on decorating a few months ago thinking I would sell it but decided to keep fit or myself as the photos are so great. These modern design books are always so much fun to look through and I enjoy the vivid technicolor rooms as opposed to the white-washed trends out there today. I thought I’d comment on a few photos in the book, which will appear below after I babble for awhile…

When I was ten, I befriended this little boy …

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[10 Nov 2009 | 5 Comments | ]
Fun with Bobby and Sally

Found these the other day at the local swapshop. Made in 1961, they’re from a company called, Instructo Products. Basically they’re kits that come with common scenarios/figures of current life (1960s, that is) such as the father in his business attire, mother cooking, Suzy and Bobby in the neighborhood, nature, farm life, seasons, trees, etc. I found one kit which was based on American themes, one “exotic” cultures (both of these very stereotypical) and one country theme-cartoon style–this one was just plain weird.

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[6 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on iphone Art | ]
iphone Art

Normally I don’t post about art, well I suppose I do more or less indirectly–objects more so–but I have a friend who does these super cool painting on her iphone. Super cool is an understatement and not really appropriate (hey, we’re out of high school and have been for quite awhile, a long, long while, that is..) because these are really wonderful pieces.

Her name is Kara Jansson Kovacev and you can see more of her work here at her site, cloudbuilder.com Incidentally, she also makes puppets (and does not build clouds)–hey, puppets are objects!

Fish Story, Headline »

[3 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on In Savage Africa | ]
In Savage Africa

Fifth in the “Fish Stories” Series.

Title: In Savage Africa
Owner: Lilly Burroughs
Circumstances of Acquisition : Found in a bin at Lloyd’s

When Lilly found the book she thought it must be an unfortunate allusion of her current situation; she was just about to end a very long engagement. She was digging in a bin at Lloyd’s when her hand struck a hardback with a light crimson cover. “In Savage Africa” it read and she looked curiously down at the cover. Two illuminated figures roving about in a sea of high silver …

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[26 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on Fiendish Felines | ]
Fiendish Felines

In the last week or so, oddly enough, I found three weird cat statues. And no, I don’t make lists to actively go searching for weird ceramic cats:

buy onions and mango chutney
write a 1000 words
seek out terribly frightening cat figurines

One, I just listed in my shop and the other two I’m just contemplating (what does one do with odd porcelain cats, especially since I really don’t like cats) at the moment or using for props: