[11 Apr 2013 | Comments Off on Cigarillo | ]

I have a new comic section at The Rumpus now called Folk Talk.

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[11 Apr 2013 | Comments Off on Cigarillo | ]

I have a new comic section at The Rumpus now called Folk Talk.

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[9 Dec 2012 | Comments Off on Found Books | ]
Found Books

Found books and their synopses. 






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[29 Sep 2012 | Comments Off on Boyfriends Cont. | ]
Boyfriends Cont.

I’m happy to be doing a little series with Kara Jansson up at the Rumpus. It’s called “Boyfriends” and is a continuation of sorts of a series we published on the Electric Lit Blog. Kara does some fantastic drawing, all done on the iphone/ipad and you can see more of her work at: cloudbuilder.com

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[15 Apr 2012 | Comments Off on Yaatra | ]

So I ditched my other working novel and have picked up an old one I started in ’99.

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[8 Apr 2012 | Comments Off on Beer Pooh | ]
Beer Pooh

Story I put up on Kaffee at Katmandu – last year? Inspired by a trip to the local fair.