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[7 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Prom Night ’62 | ]
Prom Night ’62

I pilfered this post from my old blog and wanted to post it here again as I love this photo so much. Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I found it as it was so long ago.

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[2 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Walk in the Woods | ]
Walk in the Woods

More fun with the Pen.  A walk in the woods with a few friends.

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[27 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on The Jewelry Bin | ]
The Jewelry Bin

My sister gave me some junk jewelry for Christmas (how sweet of her) thinking I could make some interesting things from it but of course I probably never will as the pieces intact are so comically tragic. So, I took some photos of a few of the most grim pieces and gave them a past. Enjoy.

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[12 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on Boyfriends | ]

“Boyfriends” is a series of drawings with text, I’ve created with Kara Jansson Kovacev (cloudbuilder). We’ve paired iphone drawings (hers) with small stories (mine).

“Boyfriends” is fact and fiction based–renditions of terrible past boyfriends (much is fiction, much is fun…!) This is the first part in this series:

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[5 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on Fun with the Pen | ]
Fun with the Pen

We bought a Olympus Pen recently and of course it’s amazing. Absolutely beautiful and very compact–not bulky like other DSLR cameras.