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Managerial Mary

18 April 2009 One Comment

Avery, the bartender sits her on the shelf overlooking all the bar patrons and when one gets out of hand–swears, grunts or pops a fellow’s eye out; a simple glance towards her is all one needs. There she sits and watches, her serene eyes forlornly watching the boys, wrestle and wrangle their lives but they make good and all are quiet at once. They stare up at her and give her a toast, the night is calm once more…

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  • Keling said:

    Thanks March! I don’t think the fruity fllaros will ever smell “old lady” either, because they connote sweets (candy, juice) which are associated with childhood foods. They might smell dated some day though. Not sure either.When you smell even post-WWII scents touted as “young” like Ma Griffe, or the “Miss” — Dior and Balmain — it is indeed surprising by our standards. But then, somehow, a lot of what was sold to women back then would not register as overtly feminine anymore: fragrance has undergone a gender specialization (outside of niche) just as it drank from the fountain, not of youth but of immaturity.