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Corkscrews, Etc.

6 August 2009 One Comment

I have a thing for corkscrews, bottle openers, and other strange old kitchen utensils. I rarely use them, just like to admire them, the rustier and clunkier, the better. Here are few nice utensils I’ve found in various thrift shops (these 4 on sale in my etsy shop at the moment) ; simple and utilitarian in design. And I found a few more from some great Etsy shops…

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This one from etsy shop “yesstreen” in particular is amazing and probably not wise to use after too much wine. Note: If I only read descriptions better, I would have read that this is really a corking device! Urbancombing (see her bottleopener below) mentioned she corked Elderberry champagne with one of these!:


Here are two nice ones from “oldisnew“. The first folds, perfect for your pocket. The second one should definitely be on display in a museum.

bottle4 bottle5

This one from “urbancombing” is more kitschy ’70s and doesn’t fall within my rusty, shabby chic category but nice nonetheless:


Then of course there are the odd ones:



bottle7 bottle10

Left to right, from shops:  “Apoem”, “imwishfulthinking”, ” retroology” and accentonvintage”

And this one from “PortugueseVintage” is just lovely!


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One Comment »

  • Jessica Doyle said:

    Thanks so much for featuring two corkscrews from my vintage shop. Your site is lovely and so is this post about vintage corkscrews!
