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3 Men

6 February 2011 No Comment

Bought a photograph & two books yesterday at a thrift shop. The two volumes were from an anthology series called, “Stories by Foreign Authors”, probably dating from the ’20s (not pub date inside). I picked up the French & German editions. They’re chock full of interesting author names (Prosper Merimee) & exotic tiles (for the time) like, “The Egyptian Fire Eater”.

I like the symmetry & color of the photo. The men are wearing suits, hats rest on their knees or in hand and they sit on an old log. Looks like they may be going to an outing; handkerchiefs in suit pockets, and fancy, loopy laces tied in their shoes. It’s tinted blue from overexposure or exposure to air whatever, I’m not sure. But I like it.

When I opened up the French anthology it was full of scribbles, drawings done by a bored school kid. Three men as well?

Three Men

Three Men

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